Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Specialists appointments and my birthday


Well its been a little while since I have written a post.
We've been busy catching up with freinds and trying to get Stella a bit more interactive since she had her episode a few weeks ago. She hadn't really been herself but this morning is looking very bright eyed !

Monday I met with Stella's metabolic doctor. It was a quick appointment. Of course I left crying. Then I had to meet with Palative Care. I have been putting off meeting them for some months now and really was not keen on talking to them.
I met with one women, who was nice but they're still not a team I want help from, not for now anyway. The term Palative is awful and not something I think children should ever be associated with.

My birthday was yesterday, one I'm sure I'll never forget with all we've been through these last 7 months. I did what any normal mum does and raced around Stella for some more appointments and school ( Conductive Education )

So every day, things run through my head.
Why us, is a big one......
Also, it's better to have loved then not loved at all.
We have been graced with Stella's prescence and should not take any day granted.

Miss Stella Grace xxx


  1. Stella is a beautiful blessing and has touched many peoples lives!! It will never be fair or just but it is always better to have loved than never at all! Xxxx

  2. Happy Birthday for Wednesday Chelsea! This blog is so well written, you describe so many familiar thoughts and feelings very well! Good on you for making the blog public, I really think it helps to share!
    Best wishes! Hazel - Taylor's mum

  3. ((((Chelsea)))) I have never said these words to you, but I look at Jobe everyday and think "This should be Stella". It is so unfair.

    Sending a big kiss to the beautiful Stella x

  4. Oh my heart breaks for you :( Your right this is so unfair and shouldn't be happening to you xx
