Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kisses and cuddles

From today I am going to make more time for kisses and cuddles.

Cleaning, washing and running around can wait..... 

KISSES AND CUDDLES are going to be my top priority.


  1. such a beautiful photo.

    How important are kisses and cuddles....and how special, especially sleepy ones.

    Love giving Master J extra kisses when I check on him at night. And if he wakes up it's a bonus as then I get more cuddles too.
    Sleepy kisses and cuddles for Miss T consist of kisses on the head, too paranoid to kiss her face of a night lol

    ps don't you love those bonds sleepsuits on kids. They are so soft and comfy. And how big is Jett!

  2. That is the BEST idea ever!!!!
