Well its been a little while since I last wrote a blog post, and to be honest I haven’t because I haven’t known what to write.
How I feel day to day varies so much.
I drove past our ‘old route’ to the Mater last week, and I swear I nearly had a panic attack.
I was out shopping with my hubby and I saw a cute little sign that said
“I’ve already found my prince, his name is Daddy” , I read this and felt like crying. My husband has lost his little princess.
We were at a friends house for dinner two nights ago, and he handed me Stella’s pink tea party basket. I use to use it to carry her toys around when visiting people.
It has been there for over a year and I had forgotten about it… So many dreams and hopes in just a little tea set...
I hate feeling like I have to say that Jett is my first child to people I meet in day to day life, just so I don’t make them feel “uncomfortable”. People dont know what to say, and a lot of the time it's easier to say nothing, but then I feel so terrible. He is my second, and Stella was and always will be my first :'(
I still buy Stella pretty things every week. I can’t help myself. I place whatever I have bought in amongst all her other “treasures” in her special room.
I just miss her, miss her sweet little face.
My little Stella Bella, baby princess forever xxx