Well I've been inspired to write in my blog again, at least a tiny update !
Surprisingly, what I've written is still being read, with a total of just under 95,000 views- totally amazing.
I like to think that maybe this is helping someone struggle through a hard time in their life plus ultimately still getting the word about Mitochondrial Disease out there.
Life is busy with two boys. Our rainbow baby will be ONE is two months. How did that happen ?
One of the things I hate about life is that time still passes by. I know it has too but its hard to grasp that the years go by and people keep 'living' when someone is forever missing.
Stella will have been gone a long ( but fast ) two years in just six weeks. Talk about hard to fathom. Its still hard to even think this is my daughter I am writing about. I still have not actually read through this blog. I bared my soul and wrote in this through the darkest time in all of our lives. I'm glad I did as it helped knowing I had the support but I'm still not ready to 'go back there'.
Anyway on with the update:
Jett will three next year and he's still a sweet darling boy. Loves his mum and dads cuddles and knows his sisters literally the brightest star in the sky ( we look for her each night )
Chase is a scallywag, very loud and boisterous and wanting to do EVERYTHING his big brother is doing. No one can make him laugh like Jett does and if he's not being occupied he's not happy !
My hubby and myself are doing fine. We are probably stronger then ever now and I look forward to what our future holds.
Lastly just a big big thank you ...
Too everyone who supported us...
From when Stella was first rushed to PICU at the Mater, to everyone who supported us while we spent all that time on Ward 7, the 8 months that followed from that first day and to everyone who showed us their love and generosity when Stella passed. Lots of you I know and plenty we didn't.
Oh and a massive thank to all who still comment on my 'Sunday Photo Shares' on her Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/stellasgalaxy ) and the people who still private message me telling they think of Stella. or that something reminded them of her. It truly means a lot. Anyone who has lost a child knows that the greatest fear is that they will be forgotten. Each and everyone of you have insured that I can know she's still all in your hearts just as much as she is in all of ours and I thank you for that.